Mitkä ovat Ranskan tärkeimmät tanssifestivaalit tai sirkusvenuet? Mistä löydän hyvän residenssitahon? Miten ovet Ranskaan avautuvat suomalaiselle taiteilijalle ja ryhmälle?
Tervetuloa kuulemaan lisää ja kysymään asiantuntijavierailtamme sitä, mitä olet aina halunnut tietää Ranskan tanssin ja sirkuksen kentistä.
Sirkuksen ja Tanssin tiedotuskeskukset järjestävät yhteisen tanssi- ja sirkuskentän taiteilijoille ja tuottajille suunnatun kolmiosaisen onlinetapaamisten sarjan 18.–20.5.2021. Tapaamisissa tutustutaan Ranskan esittävien taiteiden kenttään sekä yksityiskohtaisemmin sirkuksen ja tanssin residenssitoimijoihin, keskeisiin esitystiloihin sekä festivaaleihin kansainvälisen toimijan näkökulmasta asiantuntijavieraiden johdolla.
Kenelle: Sisältö on suunnattu tanssin ja sirkuksen alojen taiteilijoille ja tuottajille. Myös Ranskasta ja kansainvälisestä toiminnasta kiinnostuneet alojen muut toimijat ovat lämpimästi tervetulleita mukaan.
18.5. klo 14.00-15.00 Introduction to the French performing arts field
Vieraina Onda, Institut français ja Institut finlandais.
Kuullaan Ranskan esittävien taiteiden kentästä sekä kansainvälisyyttä edistävien organisaatioiden ja toimijoiden palveluista ulkomaalaiselle taiteilijalle, tuottajalle ja ryhmälle.
20.5. klo 13.00-14.30 Focus on the circus field in France
Puhujavieraana Stéphane Segreto-Aguilar, Circostrada & Artcena. Tutustutaan sirkuksen ranskalaisiin verkostoihin, kuten Territories de Cirque ja Circostrada sekä Artcena-organisaatioon ja niiden kautta residenssitoimijoihin, keskeisiin esitystaloihin sekä festivaaleihin.
20.5. klo 15.00-16.30 Focus on the dance field in France
Puhujavieraana Elisabetta Bisaro, La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne. Tutustutaan tanssin CDCN- ja CCN-verkostoihin ja niiden kautta alan keskeisiin residensseihin, esitystaloihin ja festivaaleihin. CDCN-verkostoon (Centres de Développement Chorégraphique Nationaux) kuuluu 13 toimijaa ja koreografivetoiseen CCN-aluekeskusverkostoon (Centres Chorégraphiques Nationaux) 19 toimijaa.
Paikka: Zoom
llmoittaudu 17.5. mennessä tämän linkin kautta:
Voit ilmoittautua kaikkiin tai yksittäisiin tapaamisiin.
Linkit Zoom-tapahtumiin lähetetään kaikille osallistujille 18.5. ja 20.5. aamupäivällä.
Keskustelu käydään englanniksi ja sen järjestävät Sirkuksen ja Tanssin tiedotuskeskukset. Vetäjinä toimivat kansainvälisten asioiden päälliköt Katarina Lindholm ja Lotta Nevalainen.
Lotta, , + 358 50 303 8339
Katarina, , +358 40 182 1621
Geoliane Arab, Adviser, Onda
ONDA, the French office for contemporary performing arts circulation promotes the dissemination of contemporary performing arts through information, expertise, networking, financial support, surveys.
Michaël Toledano, Cultural counsellor
Emilie Renouvin, Project Manager Performing arts / Dance
Vanessa Silvy, Project Manager Performing Arts / Circus, Street Theatre, Puppetry
Institut Français
Created in 1968, Institut français supports and promotes French-Finnish exchanges in various fields of cooperation. For cultural cooperation, Institut français organizes events, provides networking opportunities for culture professionals from both countries and support Finnish institutions on projects that contribute to the presence of French culture in Finland. We conduct these missions in collaboration with many partners, such as local festivals, artistic companies and cultural institutions. In addition, one of our key roles is to communicate on French and Francophone events in Finland.
Johanna Råman, Director, Institut finlandais
Tanja Juntto, Producer, Institut finlandais
Institut finlandais is an independent and multidisciplinary platform between Finland and France. Institut finlandais was opened to the public in 1990. The facilities of the institute are located in a former cinema, in the heart of the Quartier Latin in Paris, which is an attractive international meeting place and platform to present Finnish culture, know-how and society.
Stéphane Segreto-Aguilar, ARTCENA & Circostrada
Stéphane Segreto-Aguilar is the Head of International Development at ARTCENA, the French National Center for Circus Arts, Street Arts, and Theater, as well the Coordinator of Circostrada, the European Network for circus arts and street arts. Holder of a MA in Arts Management and European Cultural Policies, he has been exploring for more than ten years the interconnections between culture, identity and international relations, while promoting artistic creation as a tool for social transformation and experimenting with new ways of cooperation and governance. He’s a member of the board of On the Move, the cultural mobility information network, and a member of the Perform Europe consortium.
Circostrada is the European Network for Circus and Street Arts. Created in 2003 with the core mission of furthering the development, empowerment and recognition of these fields at European and international levels, over the years the network has become an important anchoring point for its members and a key interlocutor in the dialogue with cultural policy makers across Europe. Circostrada supports circus and street arts professionals by implementing a wide range of advocacy and capacity building initiatives. The focus is on boosting professional exchange and innovation, gathering information and resources, fostering continuous training and knowledge- sharing. With more than 120 members from 35 countries, Circostrada acts as a bridge between actors in the field and EU policymakers, relaying their needs and expectations and advocating for the implementation of cultural policies best suited to their specific features.
ARTCENA is the French National Centre for Circus Arts, Street Arts and Theatre, funded by the French Ministry of Culture. It coordinates the Circostrada network and has a permanent seat on its Steering Committee. It works towards its missions in three main areas: sharing knowledge and resources through a digital platform; supporting professionals via mentoring and training; promoting and strengthening the circus, street arts and theatre fields by carrying out international development projects.
Elisabetta Bisaro, Head of International Development
La Briqueterie – Centre de développement chorégraphique du Val-de-Marne
Elisabetta has worked in a programming and managerial capacity in the field of dance and the performing arts across three countries. After her initial steps in Italy, she rooted herself in Ireland as Programme Manager of Dance Ireland in Dublin for 6 years. During this post she was responsible for curating and managing the organisation’s artistic professional programming and all international projects, including four EU-funded projects (Modul-dance, Tour d’Europe des choréographes, E-Motional Bodies & Cities, Léim). In 2012, she curated Made in Dublin, a special season of new dance performances, dance film screenings and talks to mark the inaugural event in Dance Ireland’s 21st anniversary programme. Since September 2013, she has overseen the international development of La Briqueterie – CDCN du Val-de-Marne in Vitry-sur-Seine (France), managing several EU-funded projects (Creative Europe and Erasmus +) and other international cooperation projects. She leads on a large scale project entitled Dancing Museums – The democracy of beings (2018-2021), involving dance organisations, museums and research centres from 7 EU countries. She is the president of PlanTS, an all-women arts organisation based in Trieste. Elisabetta holds an MA in Translation Studies from the University of Trieste, Italy.